Coffee model

Coffee Sleeves Advertising. Lean more about it


As some of the most well-known print publications have closed their doors in recent years, a subtle yet significant shift has been taking place in the advertising landscape. While the digital era initially overwhelmed audiences with a flood of content, it also created a demand for advertising that is both impactful and memorable. Amidst this evolution, coffee sleeve advertising has emerged as an innovative and effective method to engage customers in a way that print media struggles to match.

Coffee Sleeves Advertising: how does it work?

Your logo and message are printed on sleeves that protect coffee drinkers from hot coffee. The cup sleeves are distributed to the cafe stores you selected. Specific targeting is provided with a in-house tool to profile the demographic profile and identify specific coffee venue addresses.
Coffee Sleeves Advertising

Coffee Sleeve Advertising is a unconventional way to surprise your audience

Traditional advertising media has, therefore, become a weak source of revenue and people are looking to digital media for greater ROI.  In-the-hand advertising is the way that companies advertise their business by putting their logo or other message in the hand of consumers by using consumable products such coffee cup sleeves or pizza boxes as advertising space.  The average exposure time is measured in minutes and not seconds. For example, consumers will spend an average of 35 minutes with a cup of coffee and 45 minutes with a pizza box compared to just those few seconds with a magazine ad. One example the ad may include a teeth-whitening service by a local dentist for those who have teeth stained by coffee.
Each venue distributes approx. 2,500 coffee cups/month, generating a estimated total of 1.7M impressions. Think this as small moving billboard that your audience will grab and carry it forward. The coffee venues deliver in the hand of the consumer generating an impact up to 70% brand lift. Your advertisement can not be ignored as the consumer will grab it in their hands.

Print Ads

Newspapers and other print media are full of distractive information. This is particularly damaging in the evolving era where attention span of target audiences is short and untargeted. Most importantly, news reaches us on digital media in a flash so readers no longer have to wait for the next morning. Due to the unconventional nature of Coffee Sleeve Advertising, consumer tend to remember it and Brand recall rate might reach 60-80% depending on the campaign. They literally carry the brand and the promo in their hands.
Examples of application of coffee sleeves advertising:
1. Education: target coffee venues inside the campus to promote university initiatives
2. Dental services: raise awareness of your audience to consider teeth whitening services after drinking the coffee
3. Nonprofit organizations: raise awareness for donations close to the target area. Place you message in coffee shops inside public institutions
Non Traditional Media have been neglected for a long time in the advertising market. The advertising media world is at a crossroad where it has to select between digital print media and traditional media. Simple and economic methods to advertising (as on coffee sleeves) will emerge attracting more attention of consumers. With Coffee Sleeves Advertising, ads can be placed on any number of stores. In fact, the only thing that really limits marketers is their own imagination.

Other Examples of Viral Marketing

In-the-Hand Advertising is a ramification of Guerrilla advertising and relies on the placement of ads on vehicles that consumers touch at daily basis as: coffee cupspizza boxesdrink coastershotel room key cardsPrescription bagsdry cleaner hangers.

In-the-Hand Advertising


Door hanger Marketing

The high visibility of door hangers drives high brand engagement rates. Usually, the more extended customers engage with the brand, the more likely they will choose it when confronted with numerous options when they are shopping. As such, door hangers deliver high conversion rates that result in increased sales, a larger market share for your business, and overall success for the brand. Door hangers delivers better audience engagement.

Door Hanger Advertising

First, a distributor must be an individual whose ability to target is impeccable. One of the most outstanding qualities of door hanger advertising is its ability to target the exact audience for the advertiser. Nonetheless, this is not possible if your door hanger distributors have inadequate targeting skills. The advertiser has to ensure the right delivery of door hangers to the targeted addresses.

How it Works:

The message of the advertiser is printed on door hangers and placed on the doorknob of households. Door Hanger Marketing is an unconventional marketing tactics since the targeted audience do not expect to see the ad hanging on their doorknob.  The surprise effect of seeing flyers door hangers causes a cognitive stimulus on the consumers which enhances the assimilation of the message and makes it memorable. The households can be targeted by specific demographics and the advertiser must partner with the capable Door Hanger Advertising company to ensure to track the door hanger delivery to the targeted addresses. Typically, the return of Door Hanger Advertisement program is 3x, this means for every $1 invested, the advertiser receives $3 back (you can see more details on the ROI calculation at the end of this article).

Advertising on Coffee Sleeve

Pharmacy Bags Ads

 Conducting a medical advertising campaign using prescription bags helps you to stay within budget. As earlier noted, $26.45 enables you to reach 1,000 customers. Comparably, you would need not less than $15,000 to put up a billboard in the neighborhood to advertise your expertise or services. The concept of leveraging prescription bags or pharmacy bags is an effective tool to target healthcare providers since it delivers the message in the hand of consumers.

Bar Coaster Advertising

Bar coaster advertising is a creative option to spread your message in a relaxing environment. The venue places the coasters on the dining or bar tables generating a direct impact on consumer who receives the message in their hands. This is guaranteed impressions, as they have to take the coaster in their hands. Approximately 1,500 coasters/month can be distributed by each venue generating estimated 0.7M of impressions/month. The ‘unusualty’ raises level of interest in consumer and hence their willingness to expend cognitive effort to process message. The concept of using coasters is a unconventional tactics that surprises the audience in a relaxing environment delivering a high brand recall.

Hotel Advertising with Key Cards

The advertisement is printed on key cards of hotels and delivered to the hotel guests in their hands. The hotels are recognized chains so your advertising the advertiser has the exposure of the co-branding. Advertising on Hotel Key Cards is unique. The unconventional and unexpected nature of this type of advertising enables better perception and assimilation of the message. Hotel guests are high spend consumers as they are constantly looking for new shopping, food and tourism experiences. This tactics is an effective tool to reach an affluent audience since it places the ad in the hand of consumers and delivers a high brand recall


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