Pizza Box Advertising Sliced to Perfection: Put Your Brand in Every Home!

Pizza Box Advertising
Discover how pizza box advertising can satisfy your brand’s appetite for visibility!

Imagine your brand message delivered right to the dinner table! Pizza box advertising places your ad directly in front of consumers as they enjoy a moment of relaxation and indulgence. Whether it’s game night, family dinner, or a casual get-together, your message is sure to grab attention in a fun, engaging way

Pizza Box Advertising: How Does it Work?

The ads are printed on pizza boxes (or pizza toppers) and shipped to the pizzerias that the advertiser selected. The advertising pizza venues distribute to the consumers locally or they deliver at their homes. These venues are recognized pizza chains, so the advertiser has exposure to reputable brands. The pizza box ads get delivered in the hands of the consumers at their homes reaching on average 45 min of brand exposure. Sometimes the consumer leaves the pizza in the fridge generating additional exposure. On average, each Pizza Box Advertising venue delivers 2,000 pizza box ads per month with an estimated 1.8M impressions/month.

Augmented reality marketing allows branded materials to be scanned, viewed, and virtually augmented to make typically static elements more dynamic. For example,  AR can be incorporated into pizza boxes and provide a variety of contact options when scanned.

Pizza Box Advertising with AR

Benefits of Incorporating AR to Pizza Box Advertising

High Brand Recall
Consumers are overwhelmed with digital ads that they see for a fraction of a second and barely remember them. The attention span for digital ads is minimal to make them remember. The pizza box ads with Augmented Reality create a surprise effect making it more memorable. Studies show that this type of ad can evoke an 80% recall rate (8 out of 10 households individuals remember to see an ad on pizza boxes.
A neuroscience study conducted by Neuro-Insight in partnership with Mindshare UK and Zappar that AR drives high levels of visual attention in the brain (almost double that of non-AR tasks). What is stored, or encoded into memory is 70% higher for AR experiences.
AR Advertisement Pizza Box Advertising

Low Cost

The budget used to place a 1 billboard on a high traffic highway for 1 month can be re-allocated to distribute 60,000 pizza boxes. This is sufficient to cover all households of a small town in the USA.
A quick example: using pizza boxes and/or pizza box-toppers, your message reaches an average of 2.5 people who have contact with the box. They then spend an average of 10 minutes viewing and interacting with your messaging (and forget about if they put the box in the fridge overnight!) So, a campaign of 50,000 boxers/toppers will give you an OUTSTANDING customer contact duration of 1,250,000 minutes or over 20,833 hours!
The use of OOH and billboards will most likely experience more decline in the coming weeks, given the growing number of cases of infection in the United States. Businesses that dearly need to get the word out about their enterprise will have to embrace new-age advertising to stay in business. This means more customers will abandon billboard advertising to adopt indoor ads; a strategy which brands trying to avoid the cut-throat cost of sign advertising have happily been using to market themselves in recent times.
Over 3 billion pizzas are sold in the U.S every year, thereby becoming an extremely powerful marketing tool to reach American consumers. Over 83% of pizza stores offer delivery service displaying the custom pizza box with the ad directly on the table of the consumer. Very often the the box with the advertisement is placed in the refrigerator,  allowing for multiple impressions. On average, each pizza venue delivers 2,000 ads per month providing more hours of exposure for less cost than most other ways to advertise.

Pizza Box Marketing and Targeting

Another advantage (in comparison to traditional OOH) is the possibility to segment the audience and precisely target a specific demographic profile by selecting pizza venues in specific zip codes. It is ideal for new businesses or for existing ones that are opening new locations. Pizza venues can display the advertisement in the neighborhood and raise awareness of the new location.  Additionally, businesses can use coupons to boost sales and track the ROI of the advertising spend.
An effective advertising strategy should enable a clear way to track number of impressions.  Traditional billboard advertising display lack of targeting and tracking possibilities. If the billboard is placed at the side road of a highway, many drivers cannot focus on the ad message generate a  low engagement with the target audience. Recently, unconventional agencies came up with alternatives to solve the targeting issues with approaches as mobile billboards, digital OOH, ads on trucks and other ads in places people don’t expect to see as flags, backpacks, inflatable objects, gas pump and balloons.

Pizza Box Advertising

Pizza Box Advertising is a more effective tool because it creates an effect of surprise in the mind of the consumer that receives the pizza boxes. This element of surprise regains consumers attention as it generates a cognitive stimulus. This effect makes the ad message more memorable. Each pizza box top can be seen on average by 3 people per household. They will have a meal staring at your advertising message so it will be impossible to ignore the message.

Cost Comparison vs. Digital Media

The cost of Pizza Box Marketing depends on the total quantities/units to be produced, the complexity of the creative/design, the distribution location and shipping costs. By selecting the right agency, the unit cost of a pizza box might vary between $0.80-1.50 and the pizza toppers $0.30-0.60 per unit.
AR Advertising Pizza Boxes

AR Advertising Pizza Boxes

 Let’s now compare it with the current outdated advertising methods:


The costs of billboards typically depend on the creative, format, size, location and demographics. It is not viable to calculate the number of impressions since billboard companies cannot precisely identify how many people are looking at the billboard – usually these are guesstimates based on the traffic of the area. Traditional billboards cost $14,000-20,000/month in larger markets.

Now let’s put it into the comparison perspective:

Using the same budget of 1 billboard during 1 month in a larger market, the advertiser can reach approximately 60,000 households with a personalized message on your pizza toppers. This is a large reach impact that could cover every household in a small city.
What would you prefer?
Paying for a billboard that is not personalized and not even noticed by distracted drivers?
Reaching 60,000 households that will literally grab your ad in their hands?
Direct Mail
Direct Mail is another outdated tactic. The cost of direct mail as postcards are approximately $0.20-0.40 per unit. This is at similar price range as a pizza toppers.
Now let’s put it into the comparison perspective:
Approximately 60% of the postcards or letters go straight to the garbage and don’t even get noticed while 100% of the consumers must see your pizza box ads.  This brings the ‘’cost per visualization’’ of post cards 2x higher than Pizza Box Advertising.

Calculating the Return on Investment of Pizza Box Advertising

Let’s assume that you are the Marketing Manager of a local movie theater. The recent pandemic caused you a drastic business harm since the past months most Americans were forced to stay home quarantined. Now that your activities are back to normal you must recover the lost sales with more a creative approach.

Pizza delivery

You start planning a campaign to distribute 20,000 pizza toppers using local pizzerias. The pizza box ads will include a free popcorn in case they purchase a movie ticket.

Pizza box advertising has been around for years, but it’s time to take it up a notch. Learn how augmented reality can help you reach new customers! Ads for pizza, see your brands come to life by using Pizza Box advertising. Take advantage of the most innovative solution on the market: Promote your brand on thousands of pizza boxes.

Typical conversion rates of Pizza Box Marketing range between 4-6%. This percentage will depend on how attractive the offer is and how compelling the artwork is. Let’s assume for this case a 5% client conversion.
Audience Reach: 20,000 toppers
Converted clients (5%): 1,000 new customers
Sales price of the ticket: $15
Incremental sales (after the campaign): $15,000
Cost of the ads campaign: $6,000
Return on the Pizza Box Advertising investment: 2.5x
Conclusion: for every 1 dollar you invested in a door hanger campaign, you received at least additional 2.5 dollars of sales.
Accenture Report (2016). The Future of Advertising
Bain & Company (2016). Online or Traditional, What’s is Better for Brands? Nov, 2016
Jurca, M. (2015). Ambient advertising characteristics and schema incongruity as drivers of advertising effectiveness. Journal of Marketing Communications.
Kimmel, A.J., (2005). Introduction: Marketing Communication in the New Millennium. In: Marketing Communication-New Approaches, Technologies and Styles, Kimmel, A.J. (Ed.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp: 1-6.
Lumen Research (2016). Marketers Continue to Waste Money as Only 9% of digital Ads are viewed more than 1 Second.
 Nielsen’s Audience Report (2018). The State of Traditional TV: Updated with Q3 2018 Data Arris’ Consumer Entertainment Index.
 Wall Street Journal (2018). P&G Contends Too Much Digital Ad Spending Is a Waste.



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