Door Hanger Ads or Mail ads?
Mail Ads or Door Hanger Ads: Which one should I use?
Advertising mail, also known as direct mail, junk mail, mailshot or ad mail, is the delivery of advertising material to recipients of postal mail. Ads mail includes advertising circulars, plastic mailers, coupon envelopes , catalogs, CDs, “pre-approved” credit card applications, and other commercial merchandising materials delivered to homes and businesses. It may be addressed to pre-selected individuals, or unaddressed and delivered on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis.
Usually when you check your mailbox, it is full of junk ads and it becomes easily ignored and sent to garbage. Research studies demonstrate that most customers that ignore direct mails is because they receive too many of them every day (2). Different from direct mail, Doorknob advertising is unique. Think about it: over the past week, how many mails ads did you receive v.s. Door Hangers?
Door Hanger Ads are more effective because the customers are not used to receive it every day – it is unexpected since the advertisement will not be ignored – the audience must touch it since they must be physically removed. The unconventional nature of this type of advertisement can surprise people and make them assimilate your message
The logo and message of the advertiser are printed on door hangers and placed on doorknob of target households. Technology platforms are used to target demographic profiles such as income, age, ethnicity, marital status, so that we hit your exact target-market. In addition, the segmentation method enables to evaluate annual spend criteria so that you have a better insight into the spend behavior of the target audience. The consumers will be positively surprised if you door hanger marketing tactics brings them value as coupons or discounts. Other tactics can be delivered printed in consumables as Advertising Boxes, Prescription Bags, Custom Coffee Sleeves, Drink Coasters, Hotel Key Cards.

Think this as small moving billboards that your audience must touch it
Steps to going about securing In-the-Hand Marketing are fairly simple and straightforward. First, a logo or message is designed and then the marketer chooses the media where the ad will be placed. Once manufactured, the disposables are shipped to businesses such as coffee shops and dry cleaners. At that point, consumers will be given the message when they go to pick up clothes on a dry cleaner hanger or pick up a cup of Joe from their favorite coffee house. Products that can be used for In-the-Hand Marketing are pretty much only limited by a marketer’s imagination. Some of the most common items included in this type of advertising include, pizza boxes, shopping bags, food tray liners, drink coasters, dry cleaner hangers, and coffee sleeves.
Mail Ads v.s. Door Hanger Ads: the impact
Usually when you check your mailbox, it is full of junk ads and it becomes easily ignored and sent to garbage. Research studies demonstrate that most customers that ignore direct mail ads is because they receive too many of them every day (2). Different from direct mail, Door Hanger Delivery is unique. Think about it: over the past week, how many mails ads did you receive v.s. Door Hangers?
This article discuss the conversion rates convertion rates of door hanger advertising. It also important to note the best practices to identify door hanger ads distributors, how the reasons an advertiser should use this tactics comparing with other media
Door Hangers Marketing is more effective because the customers are not used to receive it every day – it is unexpected since the advertisement will not be ignored – the audience must touch it since they must be physically removed. The unconventional nature of this type of advertisement can surprise people and make them assimilate your message.
- Kimmel, A.J., 2005. Introduction: Marketing Communication in the New Millennium. In: Marketing Communication-New Approaches, Technologies and Styles, Kimmel, A.J. (Ed.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp: 1-6.
- Burstein, Marketing Sherpa Study, 2017