Delivery Of Door Hangers
COVID-19 and the Advertising Industry
The economic impact of COVID-19 crisis continues to spread and directly impacting the advertising industry. Marketers are facing a challenge to adapt the advertising message. According to the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), 89% of large multinational businesses have deferred their planned advertising campaigns due to the pandemic. Delays in resuming campaigns and increasing ad spend for large multinationals are now expected to last a lot longer than originally anticipated.
The consumer behavior is changing to carefully stay-at-home. According to Global Web Index’s ninth release. Nearly half of global consumers say they will not return to shops for ‘some time’ or ‘a long time’ after lockdowns ease. There is yet more fear towards outdoor public venues with 60% of consumers anticipating that they will wait for ‘some time’ or ‘a long time’ before attending events there.
Adzze has been working with its clients to adapt to a more sensitive message. The team has been extending the capabilities to offer advertising options that can reach the consumers at their safest place: at home. One of these concepts uses Door Hanger Marketing that gets delivered at the homes of the audience.
Typically, the return of the Door Hanger Advertising investment is 3x, this means for every $1 invested, the advertiser receives $3 back (you can see more details on the ROI calculation at the end of this article).
Best practices for delivery of door hangers
Your advertisement is printed on door hangers and distributed to the households in the zip code or areas that were selected according to the marketing campaign. Adzze technology solutions are used to target demographic profiles such as income, age, ethnicity, marital status, so that we hit your exact target-market ensuring the door hanger delivery. In addition, the segmentation method enables to evaluate annual spend criteria so that you have a better insight into the spend behavior of the target audience. The consumers will be positively surprised if the door hanger brings them value as coupons or discounts. The advertiser must partner with the capable door hanger distributors to ensure to track the door hanger delivery to the targeted addresses. Typically, the return of the Door Hanger Advertising investment is 3x, this means for every $1 invested, the advertiser receives $3 back (you can see more details on the ROI calculation at the end of this article)
The nature of media and advertisement is constantly evolving. Old rules must be reconsidered and most of them became obsolete and ineffective. As an advertiser, if you are not aware of these generational evolvements and continue to build your marketing strategies around outdated ideas, you will find your ads – and your brands – very, very lonely.
Many advertisers still spend millions on print advertising and direct mail. Most people take the envelope right out of their mailboxes and drop it straight into the trash. Do you really want to be spending your valuable advertising resources on filling up someone’s garbage can? A recent Accenture Report (The Future of Advertising, 2016) surveyed executives who concluded that they expect ads to be increasingly focused on the consumer— meaning more personalized, targeted, and valuable.
How do Door Hanger Advertising solve this problem? The advertiser is given the option to drive a very specific targeting method by selecting the households according to the location (Zip code or addresses), income, social and ethical. The differential vs print or direct mail, the consumer cannot ignore your message placed on the door hangers since its hanging on their doorknob. The surprising effect helps the brain of the receiver to process it differently and enhances the assimilation of the message. This is the key factor that drives success of Door Advertising. This concept of door hanger delivery is very different than a boring mail message amount many others. The changes are higher that the consumer will respond to the promo code or discount placed on flyers door hangers. In addition, the message delivered by door hanger distributors n be customized to that specific target group. The advertiser can include a discount coupon or voucher to provide even more purchase incentive and drive sales.

Delivery of Door Hangers delivers your message at their doors