Emerging Marketing Tactics With AR Advertisements

Emerging Marketing Tactics With AR Advertisements
AR used the possibilities of computer techniques in order to increase the feeling and experience of the product by adding interactive levels. The observer is in the real and virtual world at the same time. One of the ways to present products with the goal of more successful communication between sellers and buyers are AR advertisements. This visualization of the product makes connections with clients on a new, more complex and meaningful level. The goal is to be modern, to achieve comfort and, above all, mutual benefit.

Interactive Ads With Augmented Reality Flyer Marketing

In order to achieve successful relationships between retailers and customers, brands use AR flyers to promote their products. The goal is to engage and delight users, which is why well-known platforms, including Snapchat and Instagram, have given space to brands to display products. The information is obtained by scanning the AR flyer which leads the user into the virtual world. AR applications have found use in many aspects of life, mostly in the fields of industry, science, medicine, sports. The brands they use for scanning print provide users with the ability to communicate by hand and get the information they are interested in.

Augmented Reality Print Flyers

Augmented reality gives the user the opportunity to experience printing at a higher quality and more complex level. On the other hand, a brand can have full insight into the quality and strength of interaction at the same time.
We will list one particularly interesting visual presentation. In 2019, the fashion clothing brand Boot Barn (Great North Digital, 2021) used AR printed flyers that reached customers directly. Customers were able to point their mobile device at the flyer and watch a video from Wonderwest. The process went on by the customer moving the card, the video sticking to the perspective of the card and achieving a special visual experience to the great satisfaction of the customers. This visual display becomes the final point of reference for the customer and a lasting image in his mind, which creates additional motivation and interest in using the benefits provided by AR technology.

Marketers are Using AR Print Marketing

AR is an opportunity and a way to create interactive solutions for each subsequent enhanced advertising. AR technology implies targeted marketing whose results, unlike traditional ones, can be guaranteed and future marketing strategies can be developed.
One of the best bridges between digital and traditional so far is the use of AR OOH ads. However, on the way to achieving good results using AR advertisements, challenges should be overcome both by the creators of advertising and by the targeted audience.
We will use encouraging data. In 2021 there are 0.81 billion augmented reality users. It is expected that by 2024 the number of AR users will increase to 1.73 billion. The number of delivered AR headset shipments will reach 30 + million devices in 2023 (TechJury, 2021), which is 12 times more than in 2020.


Today and in the future, AR has a dominant role in taking over marketing strategies. The marketing sector of the brand is directed towards creating a special user experience. In the future, borders are lost so that the digital world and real time overlap. AR OOH advertising is a perfectly meaningful way to bring the product closer to the target audience.

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