5 Reasons Why You Should Explore Door Hanger Advertisements

Door Hanger Advertisements
You can place your brand on Door Hangers and make them alive with Augmented Reality!

The advertising industry is an ever-evolving space, particularly because of the constant shifts in behavior and location of the consumers of advertising. Door hanger advertisement is one of the new waves of changes sweeping across the advertising industry, and it has obviously come to stay. The emergence of new technologies and the never-ending need to minimize marketing costs and optimize sales are other significant factors which contribute to such innovations in advertising.

Incorporated Augmented Reality to Door Hanger Advertisements

Now you can incorporate Augmented Reality (AR) to your advertising materials adding life to your ads. Augmented Reality can be used as a brand awareness tool at very points of marketing. When it comes to ad conversion rate, it depends on how impressive your advertisement is. Therefore, use of AR advertising makes it possible for brands to generate a higher Ad recall rate.

Why Advertising with AR - Door Hanger Advertisements

According to statistics, 40% of consumers say they would pay more for a product that they could customize in AR. Besides, nearly 1 Billion people worldwide use AR (Augmented Reality) in different application areas. When it comes to ad conversion rate, it depends on how impressive your advertisement is. Therefore, use of AR advertising makes it possible for brands to generate a higher Ad recall rate.

Augmented Reality to Backpack Billboard Ar how it works - Door Hanger Advertisements

As the market keeps moving towards more profitable business models, so should your business too. You probably have heard about low-cost advertising campaigns such as door hanger advertisement, but perhaps didn’t give much thought to it. The truth is, you really should. Here, we provide 5 hot reasons why you should incorporate door hanger advertising into your marketing strategy.
Actually, if you’re a start-up, you probably should make this one of your primary methods of advertising. Obviously, if there are cheaper and effective means of advertisement, you definitely want to avoid expensive billboard and digital ads.

Door Hanger Advertisements

Door Hanger Advertisements Are Effective For The Following Reasons

#1 They’re Impossible To Miss

Door hanger advertisements are difficult to miss. Unlike mail deliveries and billboards, door hangers are typically in front of your target audience. Advertisements placed on door handles are impossible to miss, as you can’t go through a door and not turn the handle or knob. Here, more impressions are generated and the possibility of attracting more sales is even higher.

#2 More Targeted Advertising

Door hanger advertisement is effective because it is highly targeted at the desired consumers. If for example, you intend to reach a particular group of persons, door hanger advertising allows you to take your ads directly to where they are.
So, there’s no random display of advertising, which is why ROI is impressive.

#3 It Is Cost-Effective

A major advantage that your business gets to enjoy with this strategy is the reduced cost of advertising. The cost of printing, designing and distributing 5,000 door hangers in a target location is way cheaper than the cost of mounting a digital display ad or a billboard ad for even a day. The difference is astronomical.
Interestingly, it doesn’t end there. Your effort is more targeted with a higher potential for conversions.


#4 The Returns On Investment Us Higher

The average ROI on door hanger advertisements is between 4% and 8%. When you compare this figure with the cost of printing 5,000 door hangers, the results are more impressive than what you’ll get from other major and more expensive strategies.

#5 Chance Of Multiple Exposures

The more the number of people who use a particular entrance is, the more the chances of reaching many people with a single door hanger in that door.
The bottom line here is, since door hangers are hard to ignore, you have a great chance of generating multiple exposures from each door hanger you print and distribute. Door hanger advertising is really a juice for your business, and the time to jump in is now. Click here to find out more.

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